Since its publication in 2002, the CI/ASCE 38-02 Standard Guideline for the Collection and Depiction of Existing Underground Utility Data has set the bar for engineers and designers across North America. After years of use, ASCE felt that it needed to be updated, refreshed, and brought in line with current practice. There are several obvious changes with the new standard, first of which is the name – ASCE 32-21 – Standard Guideline for Investigating and Documenting Existing Utilities. It is simpler and in alignment with the way that the standard is and will be used. The core of the 38, the idea of four quality levels remains the same, but there is tweaking and clarification for some of the quality levels to better align with how practitioners are using the Standard. Through this presentation, Lawrence Arcand and Blaine Hunt will review what is new and what stays the same about the updated 38-21 Standard. They will discuss some of the behind-the-scenes decisions that took place within the committee when writing the updates, as well as look at the practical aspects of how the updated standard will be used but both practitioners and consumers alike.
Lawrence Arcand, P.Eng, P.E.
4Sight Utility Engineers
Lawrence Arcand, P.Eng, P.E. is a registered professional engineer who has focused the majority of his 20+ year career on Utility Engineering. He has been Utility Lead on several multi-billion-dollar infrastructure projects in both Canada and the US, and is ready to share that experience with the participants. Lawrence has led Subsurface Utility Engineering services (SUE) investigations on a national level since 2003. In 2020 he took that experience and started 4Sight Utility Engineers, a niche Utility Engineering firm servicing clients in the Canadian Market. Lawrence is very active in the SUE industry. He is Chair of the Transportation Association of Canada’s – Public Utilities Management Subcommittee, Vice Chair of CSA S250, and co-founder of the Right of Way Management Committee. Lawrence sits on the SUE Association board, the board of Governors of the Utility Engineering and Survey Institute of ASCE, and the board for the UESI – Utility Risk Management Division
Blaine Hunt, P.Eng
Director of Engineering
T2 Utility Engineers
A graduate of McGill University, Blaine holds a Bachelor of Civil Engineering. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta and British Columbia who has over 20 years’ experience. In his current role at T2 Utility Engineers, he is responsible for the overall quality of deliverables and the application of standards across the Canadian offices.