Home Webinars MultiChannel GPR (MCGPR) – Applications for your Project


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Oct 13 2020


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

MultiChannel GPR (MCGPR) – Applications for your Project

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is now a pivotal tool in subsurface utility engineering (SUE) projects. For decades, the standard methodology has been based on 2D data acquisition, real-time interpretation (i.e. utility locating). This has significantly limited the use of the technology to small projects as each individual GPR measurement must be analyzed for the presence of pipe like features looking for trends throughout a data set. These trends mostly represent buried utilities; however, their identification is entirely subjective as other commonly found buried objects such as tree roots, construction features, trenches, cavities etc. must be taken into consideration. 3D imaging of high-density multi-channel GPR (MCGPR) data was the solution to the above problem. So, during the last decade, MCGPR has started to become more popular amongst practitioners due to its ability to generate high-resolution imaging together with improving the speed and area coverage of the ground. Recent advances in MCGPR systems have greatly improved their performance. Along with revolutionary real-time processing software, datasets recorded with this second generation MCGPR systems can be visualized immediately after data collection. This webinar will present several MCGPR study cases showing unprecedented high-resolution images of shallow subsurface utilities, tree roots and abandoned railroad tracks.


Jamie Bradburn is a leader in Utility Engineering & Surveying, with more than 17 years of work experience specializing in Geophysical Techniques, and is an experienced trainer for different geophysical techniques including utility locating. As the Field Operations Manager of the T2 Utility Engineers Whitby office, he is responsible for the overall field operations, planning, training, and project management of projects for SUE services.